our heartbeat
Harley Howard-Morison & Jessica Glover founded Cardiac Theatre in Edmonton in 2016. We tell stories with big heart in intimate settings.

The Alberta Queer Calendar Project
In 2020-2021, we produced 13 plays by queer, Albertan writers in a podcast series.

by Harley Howard-Morison
Best friends Kaldr and Saga only get to see each other one day a year these days. Living a great distance apart, it is their annual tradition to journey towards each other and meet in the middle at their favourite pub. Storytellers by trade, they swap tales from their year apart over a pint. Inspired by Norse myths & legends, Kaldr & Saga search for stories of pride in the epics of the gods.
Click to learn more…
January 11-26, 2019
The Almanac on Whyte, Edmonton

The Listening Room
by Michaela Jeffery
On the fringes of a remote desert society, a group of teenage dissidents search for fragments of earlier civilizations still ricocheting between stars. Using antiquated 21st century radio telescopes, The Listeners risk everything to connect to a past that has faded both from memory and record. On the eve of a trial that would decide their fate, The Listeners must choose to conform, or to strike out and seize the future they want to inherit.
Click to learn more…
with the generous support of Azimuth Theatre:
January 18-28, 2018
ATB Financial Arts Barns, Edmonton
with the generous support of Downstage:
February 15-24, 2018
Motel, Arts Commons, Calgary

Pompeii, L.A.
by Declan Greene
A burnt-out child star lies in an L.A. hospital after a freeway car crash. Jonathan Brandis auditions for the role of his life. Judy Garland is backstage at the Johnny Carson show. Meanwhile, a supervolcano bubbles up beneath the streets of Los Angeles.
A darkly funny fever dream, Pompeii, L.A. collages a gallery of bright young stars broken by the Hollywood machine during an American apocalypse.
August 17-26, 2017
presented during the 36th Edmonton International Fringe Theatre Festival

Peter Fechter: 59 Minutes
by Jordan Tannahill
1962, East Berlin. A teenage boy lies in the Death Strip with a fatal bullet wound to the pelvis after an attempt to escape to the West. For 59 minutes, his body remains where it fell – in full view of Western onlookers and Eastern guards. As he dies, Peter’s hearing intensifies and the voices of the people he loves come back to him in his final hour.
Inspired by the death of the real Peter Fechter, one of the first people killed while attempting to cross the Berlin Wall, Tannahill’s play is an ode to risk and love in the face of oppression.
January 10-22, 2017
ATB Arts Barns, Edmonton

by Wajdi Mouawad
translated by Shelley Tepperman
Julie’s grandmother has died. In the middle of the night, the moon came and stole her away.
But Julie has a plan. Julie arms herself with a backpack full of perfume bottles and barricades herself in the basement with her grandmother’s corpse. She’s baiting death, daring him to meet her face-to-face so she can punch his face in.
Over her nineteen-day vigil, young Julie revisits her grandmother’s stories of Pacamambo: the country where you become the people you love.
August 11-20, 2016
presented during the 35th Edmonton International Fringe Theatre Festival at the Roxy On Gateway, Edmonton

Hot Mess
by Ella Hickson
Polo and Twitch are twins born with one heart between them. One can’t love, and the other can do nothing but. It’s the eve of their 25th birthday and they’re preparing to celebrate with old friends and new bedfellows. An electric modern myth of no-strings-attached gone wrong, HOT MESS stages a growing reality where sex and romance are strangers. This is not a love story. It’s a hot mess.
March 2-12, 2016
El Cortez, Edmonton

what’s up?
Cardiac Theatre is on a ‘lil haitus. Scroll up to check out our past productions. Scroll down to learn more about our humans, or to get in touch.
harley & jessica can be reached at